Get 5x in email responses

We combine email composition automation (custom) and smart retries for those who didn't read the message or they clicked on the call to action.


Your messages and emails uploaded never will be shared with other accounts


We suggest new messages for those who have not seen your previous message, while you have a coffee and just approve them.


Keep an eye on each and every message you send.

Haz campañas exitosas con estos 4 pasos
Personal, corto y preciso
El primer mensaje debe ser directo, y debe sentirse como algo personal. Con Aldea, puedes hacer que cada correo contenga datos personales de tus contactos.
Detalles, servicios
En el segundo mensaje debes contarle sobre tus servicios, siendo detallista pero tampoco extenso. Aldea te ayudará a redactar estos mensajes.
Seguimiento, que no se pierdan
Automatiza el seguimiento y que sepan que sigues allí. Trackea quienes te leen y quienes dieron click en el CTA. Aldea te da toda esta información en tiempo real.
No quiero molestar
A los que no te contestaron indícales que no volverás a contactarlos, verás como te escribirán en el acto. Aldea te ayuda a segementarlos automáticamente.

Trusted by

Spent hours seconds
Do you have an email to send but don't know how to write it? Would you like to test different messages and iterate based on the best ones? By creating a campaign you automate this whole process!.

Set your ideas, we do the magic
Nombre de la campaña
Deal 40% APR
Ideas que quieres cubrir
- Identify yourself with your ID
- Guarantee with your credit card
- Have a bank account
Create campaign
  • Experiments built with AI

  • Sales' Campaign - Preauth

    Guarantee your transactions and forget the collects

  • Borrowers' Acquisition - Instacash

    Get a loan with a 59.09% APR

  • Lenders' Acquisition - Instacash

    Let your money works for you with a 14.45% interest rate

  • Validate and send
Artificial Intelligence
Our AI will be creating various experiments based on the campaign you created and using the most successful emails sent by the entire community as inspiration.

We're the ultimate way to create successful emails
Goals achieved
Create secuences with Aldea and we make emails for your contacts that don't read your message or click CTA. No body will be without read your messages again.

Aldea is the door to use artificial intelligence
% opens email
App Percentage
Aldea 65%
Mailchimp 21%
Sendgrid 18%
403 /550
Increase in 73%
389 /403
Increase in 97%
Correo Acción Click: Open Bounce
Monitore Everything
Real time analytics where you will see who read your messages, who click CTA, who bounce the email and who mark the email as SPAM

You'll know everything about your campaings

Let AI be part of your company.

Invest in artificial intelligence and let yourself be carried away by the powers that it will give to your acquisition processes.


Discover the potential of Aldea and create your first experiments today.

$0 /month
Price by user
Try now
  • 2 campaigns
  • 200 profiles
  • 3 experiments per campaign
  • Email personalization
  • Realtime analytics


Recommended by Aldea so you can use all its benefits without limits

$39 /month
Price by user
Buy now
  • Unlimited campaigns
  • Unlimited profiles
  • 3 experiments per campaign
  • Email personalization
  • Realtime analytics

Build high-converting emails in hours seconds.

We're your AI tool that build email campaigns, which iterates and learns all the time.

Get more than 60% in successful rate in your email campaigns!